Allan Rajavee is a media expert and former journalist, who previously worked for the Estonian Public Broadcasting (ERR) and the business daily Äripäev. During his career as a journalist, Allan Rajavee has addressed migration related topics and issues. Currently, Mr. Rajavee works as an analyst and consultant at Station, a company specialising in media monitoring and analysis. |
Kerli Zirk has been designing adaptation policy for new immigrants for more than 6 years in the Ministry of the Interior as well as in the Ministry of Culture. Currently, she is working as a crisis management adviser at the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Communications, where her main topics are cyber, digital and communications preparedness for crises. Ms Zirk has a master’s degree is in comparative politics.
Agneta Ladek is (since 2020) the Adviser to the Minister of the Interior of the Republic of Lithuania. 2004–2012 and 2020 she worked as an adviser to the Members of the Parliament, 2006-2009 as a lecturer and consultant, and 2012-2017 as the Head of a Charity Foundation. She actively contributes to managing the refugee flows in Lithuania caused by the Russian war against Ukraine as well as of the humanitarian aspect of managing the consequences of irregular migration flows caused by the Belarusian regime’s hybrid attack on Lithuania and the European Union. She has master degree in Business administration and international management.
Ave Lauren is a comparative migration policy expert at the International Migration Division of the Directorate for Employment, Labour and Social Affairs at the OECD. Her current work at OECD focuses on the Ukrainian refugee crisis. Prior to joining the OECD, she worked in different capacities at the European Migration Network (EMN), including coordinating EMN’s cooperation activities with non-EU countries and heading the National Contact Point for Estonia. She holds a Ph.D. in Geography from the University of Cambridge, where her research focused on highly skilled migration from Asia to the United States. |
Cecilia Verkleij works as Deputy Head of Unit of the Asylum Unit in the Directorate General Migration and Home Affairs of the European Commission. After gaining a degree in law from Leiden University, she worked as a lecturer Constitutional Law and research fellow European Law at the University of Tilburg, and as a civil servant with the European Commission, where she has worked with a number of services, including the DG for Competition and the Internal Market. Her expertise covers human rights, information exchange and data protection in the areas of law enforcement and security, and free movement of persons within the Schengen area.
Dmytro Horban is the Deputy Head of the Department for Information and Analytical Support at the State Migration Service of Ukraine. Within his duties, Mr. Horban is one of the SMS representatives, responsible for supporting the processes of the European integration of Ukraine in the field of migration. Taking into account the previous experience in the field of international relations and consular affairs, Mr. Horban is currently coordinating the development of the cooperation between SMS and the European Commission in the framework of the European Migration Network. |
Egert Belitšev is the Director General of the Estonian Police and Boarder Guard Board. From 2020-2023, Mr. Belitšev worked as a Deputy Director General for Border Management. He has worked in the Police and Border Guard Board in different positions in the field of migration management since 2010 and previously in the Citizenship and Migration Board from 2006-2009. Egert Belitšev has Master of Laws degree from Tartu University. |
Ewa Polawska is a Chief Specialist for the Migration and Border Policy Unit at the Ministry of Interior of Poland. She is an expert in the field of migration and asylum responsible for leading EU affairs and policy-making in the above-mentioned area, in particular the Common European Asylum System. In 2008-2020 Ms. Polawska worked in the Office for Foreigners as an expert in the field of return and reception. In 2016-2020, she was responsible for supervising centres for asylum seekers run as the Head of the Unit in the Department of Social Assistance. Ms. Polawska is also a long-term collaborator of IOM Poland, long-term EUAA collaborator and currently National Contact Point for IDS EUAA.
Dr. Franck Düvell is a senior researcher and coordinator of forced migration and refugee research programme in Osnabrück University, Institute for Migration Research and Intercultural Studies. Previously, he was head of the migration department at the German Institute for Integrations and Migration Research (DeZIM) and associate professor at the Centre on Migration, Policy and Society (COMPAS), University of Oxford. |
Ilze Briede is the Head of the Migration Division at the Office of Citizenship and Migration Affairs of Latvia. She has long-term experience in the Office of Citizenship and Migration Affairs of Latvia, solving issues related to the field of visas and residence permits and participating in working groups organized by the Council of the European Union and the Commission on this topic. Regularly participates in the drafting of national regulatory acts and adoption of European Union legislation in the field of migration. As an expert, she has participated in several international projects financed by the European Union and ICMPD, the purpose of which is related to the improvement of management and regulatory acts in the field of migration.
Jutta Saastamoinen is a senior specialist for the European Migration Network (EMN) Finland. She has been working for EMN Finland as a senior specialist since 2014. She has previously worked as a senior adviser at the Asylum Unit of the Finnish Immigration Service and as a researcher at the Country of Origin Information Unit of the Finnish Immigration Service. Ms. Saastamoinen holds a Master of Philosophy degree in Russian and East European Studies from the University of Oxford and a Master of Arts degree in International Relations from the University of St Andrews. |
Kaimo Kuusk is the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Estonia to Ukraine. Kaimo Kuusk is an Estonian diplomat and a former Foreign Intelligence Service officer. Since 2019, he has been the Estonian Ambassador to Ukraine. |
Liis Valk is the legal status determination service owner and a group lead in the Estonian Police and Border Guard Board. Ms. Valk has worked in the Police and Border Guard Board in different positions in the field of migration management since 2010 and previously in the Citizenship and Migration Department from 2005-2009. Ms. Valk has a mag. Iur. degree from Tartu University.
Magnus Ovilius is the Head of Sector for the European Commission’s Home Affairs Migration Forecasting, Contingency Planning, Preparedness and Policy Monitoring. He is also chair and Manager of the European Migration Network. |
Uku Särekanno is serving as a Deputy Executive Director for European Border and Coast Guard Agency´s (Frontex) Information Management and Processes. He is responsible for the implementation of the European Travel Information and Authorization System (ETIAS) and interoperability framework. He is also in charge of the Agencies corporate functions related to ICT, financial management, security and facilities. His tasks involve oversight and coordination of the ETIAS Central Unit Division and Financial, Digital and Security Division. Mr. Särekanno holds a Master of Law from University of Tartu (Public Administration). During his 19-year-long career, Mr Särekanno has worked in senior level positions in the Estonian public administration and European Union institutions. |
Veronica Coulter is the Minister-Counsellor (Migration) at Canada’s Mission to the European Union. Prior to joining the Mission in Brussels, Ms. Coulter was the Area Director (Migration) for Latin America/Caribbean based in Mexico City, overseeing operations of the Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) offices covering Mexico, Central and South America and the Caribbean. She has managed all aspects of Canada’s migration programs in Mexico and Morocco, and refugee resettlement from Egypt and Sudan. Other postings include The Hague, where she covered issues related to human smuggling and trafficking, and a secondment to UNHCR’s Regional Office in Cairo, Egypt.