
  • Illegal employment of third-country nationals: 2017-2022 Situation analysis. Estonia

  • Integration of applicants for international protection in the labour market

  • Integration of migrant women

  • Detention and Alternatives to detention in international protection and return procedures.

  • Study on third-country national victims of trafficking in human beings: detection, identification and protection

  • Children in Migration (2020)

  • Responses to long-term irregularly staying migrants: practices and challenges in EU Member States and Norway

  • Attracting and protecting the rights of seasonal workers in the EU and the United Kingdom

  • Pathways to citizenship for third-country nationals in the EU

  • Comparative overview of national protection statuses in the EU and Norway

  • Migratory Pathways for Start-ups and Innovative Entrepreneurs in the European Union

  • Beneficiaries of international protection travelling to and contacting authorities of their country of origin