
  • The Integration of Beneficiaries of International/Humanitarian Protection into the Labour Market: Policies and Good Practices

  • Safe Countries of Origin

  • Inform on migrants’ movements through the Mediterranean

  • EMN policy brief on migrants movements through the Mediterranean

  • Family reunification of third-country nationals in the EU plus Norway: national practices

  • Statelessness in the EU

  • The Return of Rejected Asylum Seekers: Challenges and Good Practices

  • Changes in immigration status and purpose of stay: an overview of EU Member States’ approaches

  • Overview: Incentives to return to a third country and support provided to migrants for their reintegration

  • 2015 EMN Policy brief on migrant’s movements through the Mediterranean

  • Determining labour shortages and the need for labour migration from third countries in the EU

  • The use of social media in the fight against migrant smuggling – 2015